Wednesday, October 30, 2019
You chose it for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
You chose it for me - Essay Example I have always admired famous racers like Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton for their feats in those tiny but powerful speed machines. Drag racing, like the F1 series and indeed any other racing type involves; speed and acceleration competitions with the main difference being that in street, drag racing, anyone can participate. Furthermore, one does not need a special car, however, people often adjust their vehicles for maximum performance; in addition, a drag race involves only two cars at a time while other motorsports have as many as the course can safely hold. A drag race is a contest in which cars race over a predetermined distance usually a quarter mile with the winner being the one who reaches the finish line first, it is done on a drag strip. The racing event takes the form of two-vehicle racing at a time with each loser being eliminated from the contest and the winners proceed until only one is left, and this is the ultimate winner. In as much as I am a motor sports enthusiast, I rarely actively participate, and even when I drive fast, it is often within speed limits. Nonetheless, this does not prevent me from enjoying the racing experience since watching the cars is every bit as fulfilling as it would be driving them especially in view of the fact that it much less risky. On the Friday night of fun, it would be fitting to say I had the best time of my life in respect to motor sports, this is because although drag races do not rival the F1and other professional racing experiences, in terms of speed, cars, and stunts, I got to watch from the sidelines as opposed to the Television screen. This proximity helped to ââ¬Å"feelâ⬠the race on a personal level, more so, many of the drivers were my friends and cheering them was a fabulous deal of fun since we could discuss the races later on and try to determine how they could be improved with giving a spectators perspective to the drivers. This race was a chance for me, the drivers and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Assignment 1 Essay Example for Free
Assignment 1 Essay Professor Identify the pros and cons of the partnership as a form of ownership. Discuss funding options for small businesses. Determine and discuss how managerial accounting can help managers with product costing, incremental analysis and budgeting. Discuss the basic components of the marketing process using a product or service of your choice as an example. Discuss the roles of social responsibility and technology in the marketing function. A partnership as a form of ownership is formed quite simply. When two or more people get together and come to an agreement on what type of business to take part in, then all parties share investment, profit, and of course loss. Lets discuss the pros and cons ofa partnership. Pros, one of the many things all investors would like to see out weight the cons in anything they are engaged in mentally, physically, and of course financially. First of all, one pro would be how easy it is to create a partnership. You simply get with at least one other person come to an agreement over all the business details, and BAM you have a partnership. Some people are comfortable in erbal agreements but I personally would suggest you get all your partnership details on a written legal document Just in case. Funding is another advantage toa partnership. When two or more people come together to form a business partnership money is invested from all parties involved in turn the business has a stronger financial backing to support it. Not only will the business have a strong financial backing all partners invested may have access to outside money to support the business even further along. One of the best advantages in being in a business partnership is shared responsibility. Shared responsibility is crucial in a successful business and of course partnership. When the business starts to get a bit heavy you can hand it to your partner or partners to carry the work load for a while. You can also look to your partners for moral support when you may think things arent going as stated in your business plan. So far we have heard the pros ofa business partnership but like every bandage that fixes that painful spot you eventually have to pull it off. Cons, the opposite of Pro, the many things that all business investors need to know before investing but never want to hear. You may be thinking since it was a breeze to create this business partnership the rest will come as a breeze. You could your mind; everyone who is a partner is liable for all debts. You and your partners are all Jointly or individually liable for all debts accumulated by the business. For example, lets say your partner or partners are taking the profits the business is making and gambling with it. Your partners blow away all the profits on poker games and skip town what then, thats right you are still liable for any debt accumulated by the business. Another obvious con is your business partners will want to share the rofits made by the business. You cant assume when the business makes profit everyone will agree on saving it. Your partner or partners may want to buy cars, houses, or maybe boats. You dont have total control of the business. Business decisions are made Jointly not on your own. You may run into disagreements that in turn create the other partner to leave the business, or even lead to buying out the other partner. Pros and cons are a great way to see if youre the, partner type, if so make sure you pick the right partner or partners for your business. There are many ther factors in owning and running a business. For example, in order to get your business off the ground you have to find the money to do so. Debt financing is one way you can start up your business. Debt financing is simply going to a bank that knows you have good credit, a good standing history with them, and apply for a small business loan. In the current economy most banks can be very hesitant to offer you the loan so another way is equity. Selling a share of your business meaning you arent solely in charge or will now be sharing the profits may be scary, but it can help you start up your business. After starting up your business you now have to manage the business or appoint someone for the Job. Managing the accounting is a great way to stay on top of product cost, and budgeting. Managerial accounting is detailed data used for inside members of a company. Managerial accounting includes things like cost of the product, cost of shipping, cost of employee benefits, cost of turnover, basically every number available to you and your partners. You can determine if you have the budget to raise wages for your employees to boost employee morale. Each business owner can use the data to do their Job better. You can go to your losses data and determine if your employees are stealing from you. Then determine how much more security you will need in order to prevent product loss. If you or your manager for your business needs to determine if their product was set at the right price they could view the sales data to see if the supply met the demand. If you see that one of your items hasnt been selling very well you can set it at a lower price or you can Just order less of such product. If you see you sold a lot of a particular product you can raise the price as you see fit. You now know if you are the partner ype, you know a couple ways to possibly fund your business, and you know how to manage your data and budget. How are you going to get costumers through your door or buying your product? How will you market yourself? Lets use my dream business as an example. I would like to open up a cafà © lounge that serves fair trade coffee, craft beer, and fine wines. In order for me to make any kind of better profit for my business I have to market my business. You have to give the people what they want in my case I would produce amazing cups of coffee. My business would offer a coffee with better taste, and appeal. My coffee would be made with love and not thrown at you in the pickup line simultaneously saying, NEXT. My cafà © lounge would major downtown street. Location is important for my cafà © lounge so doing a little research of the area by visiting throughout all times of the day to see the amount of traffic the area receives is crucial. Then maybe you can ask around the nearby stores to see if customers purchase a lot of coffee. You can even go to the nearest coffee shop and see what coffee and vibe they offer and simply ask the locals what kind of coffee they like or would like to drink in what kind of atmosphere. After finding your target market, a great location, building your business, affordable product pricing, and setting your hours of operation it is time to promote your business. You can put ads in the local newspaper, ads in local magazines, and maybe even do a commercial broadcast in the tri county area. You will have to set your product apart from all the other competitors. For me coffee is all about personality, process, and taste. In order to retain customers your employees have to be personable, professional, and building customer relationships. Then theres process, customers will see you make heir drink every step of the way making it an enjoyable experience. Lastly is taste, my employees being highly trained baristas will make you a drink to your satisfaction in a timely fashion all the while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for my cafà © lounge. Having the best tasting coffee and vibe may do Justice but for long term business it may not be enough this is when you bring in the events. Doing special events with your business such as charities, open mic nights, acoustic Jam sessions, and book clubs is a great way to attract more customers and maintain current ones. Internet is your best friend. Creating a website for your business is an amazing marketing play. It allows your customers to have 2417 access to information, and product choices. You can post updates on new product arrivals, special events, and specific information for each product you offer. The best part about having a website is they can look you up anywhere in the world that offers internet. Another great marketing strategy is purchasing ad space on other websites like a grocery franchise or sports sites. Green marketing is another great way to market your business. Customers love knowing your business is eco friendly by recycling, or using recycled aterial. By simply pushing customers to buy coffee to drink in house rather than take away conserves paper cups in turn less garbage. If customers choose to take to go anyways inform the customers all your paper products are recycled and recyclable. Offering organic treats to eat along with their coffee can promote a green business as well. In the end knowing everything there is to build, manage, and market your business your goal is to have long term profitability. You want to exceed customer satisfaction, you want to blow away the competition, and be prepared for even harder competition in the future.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Physics of the Internal Combustion Engine :: physics motor engine ICE
Background Infromation In Cambridge England, in 1820 a man by the name of Reverend W. Cecil was explaining to fellow scientists and inventors how an internal combustion engine worked. All of his fellow colleagues just laughed at him and told him it could never be done. In 1860 Jean Joseph E'tienne Lenoir made Cecil's idea come to life by building the first practical internal combustion engine. Three years later in 1863 Lenoir built one of the worlds first gas engine cars. Ignition System Have you ever wondered how turning a simple key will start a car? Well, I'll tell you. When you turn the key a small voltage from the cars battery is sent to the coil. The coil turns the small voltage into a large voltage. Then the coil sends the the voltage to the distributor. The distributor has heavy wires that send the voltage to each spark plug. The distributor, also, tells the spark plugs which one should fire and when to fire. The altenator is another part of the ignition system. The basic job of the altenator is to make more voltage to charge the battery. Fuel System Everyone knows that you need to have gas in your car for it to run. When you put gas into the car it goes into the gas tank. The gas then makes its way from the tank to the carberator via the fuel pump. The carberator mixes the gas and air together. The air is first cleaned by the air filter before going to the carberator. The air and gas mixture is then sent to the intake manifold, from there its sent to the intake valve. Combustion The camshaft opens and closes both the intake valve and the exhust valve. When the intake valve opens, the air and gas mixture rush into the cylinder. The valve closes and the mixture is traped inside. The piston is pushed up and causes compression. At just the right moment the spark plug sparks and ignites the mixture. When the gas explodes it pushes the piston back down. When the piston is at the bottom of the stroke, the exhuast valve opens sending the exhaust out through the tail pipe. Exhaust System Once the burnt fuel is throught the exhaust valve it is sent to the exhaust manifold. The exhaust maniflod is just a collecting area for the exhaust coming from the cylinders. Pressure keeps the exhaust moving to the pipes then into the muffler.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Incarcerated Black Males :: Sociology African American
Black Incarcerated Males For the past two decades, the criminal justice system in the United States has been undergoing a tremendous expansion. There are now more than one million black men in jail and that one out of every four black males will go on prison in there lifetime. Knowing these statistics it put a burden on the black community because many families are left with single family home, the unemployment rate for black male go up, they can not vote and now they make jail seem like it is fun to go to. Black men in Jail are having drastic effects upon the black community. The first and arguably most important effect is that it intensifies the problem of single parent households within the black community. When these men are sentenced to prison, they, many times, leave behind a wife/girlfriend and/or children. If they have already have had children, that child must spend multiple years of his/her early life without a primary father figure. In addition, that male's absence is even more prominently felt when the woman has to handle all of the financial responsibilities on her own. This poses even more problems since women are underpaid relative to men in the workforce, childcare costs must be considered, and many of these women do not have the necessary skills to obtain a job, which would pay a living wage, which could support her and the children. Black male incarceration has done much to ensure that black female-headed households are now equal with poverty. Black male imprisonment also has much to do with rising black male unemployment rates. As these men re-enter the workforce they now likely have less skills than when they first entered prison. There are few, if any, programs, which train these men to effectively re-enter society. As jobs continue to move out further and further into the suburbs, these males, who are from the inner city, are left with few living wage employment options. The rates that convicts go back to jail are so high not because these men want to return to a life of crime but since few employment options are available, they tend to utilize their limited skills to get the money they need to survive. If more efforts do not make additional training available to these males that are realistically designed to help them obtain a living wage job, the rates that convicts go back to jail and black male unemployment will continue to increase.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Colosseum is so important to society today, because not only is it a major accomplishment for architecture, with the styles and techniques that were used, It also had a major effect on our athletics that we have today. The Colosseum was such a huge achievement for not only Rome but also other countries like our very own United States of America, because it had an everlasting impact on our society today. The Colosseum was so important to Rome in terms of entertainment and athletics.The sound waves of gladiatorial battles, naval clashes, and savage beast wars urrounded the Colosseum, amplifying the crowds' intensity and excitement to a whole new level. It was such a dangerous area that a lower wall with a railing was surmounted around the arena (Colosseum 1). The Colosseum is located in Rome, Italy, originally called the Amphitheatrum Flavianum. The Colosseum is a symbol of Rome's power and is one of the world's greatest wonders. The structure is composed of travertine blocks, a br oken down marble rock, forming an ellipse 1,719 feet in circumference and 159 feet in height, with an area 282 feet by 177 feet.Soaring four tories high, arcades with pillars of Doric form the first three stories, as well as Ionic and Corinthian orders, meaning that all three were combined to form a new design. The Doric order being typically used for temples and is the simplest of the three, Ionic was a stockier look that was used usually for small buildings, then Corinthian was the ââ¬Å"leafy' look that you would typically see at the top and bottoms of pillars. The interior of the building had three sections of marble seats for roughly 50,000 spectators.Beneath the sand were hidden passageways for the Gladiators preparing or battle and some were areas for the beast to remain until they were called upon (Titus Flavius Vespasianus 1). Fans adored Gladiators because they were strong and courageous, they were aware of the consequence, if they did not perform well, being death (Lendo n 1). Though many gladiators did die in the arena clashing with another gladiator for respect and possibly even a little fame, most died from the nonfatal wounds that would get infected.For some time the gladiatorial combat was on the rise and then began to fade away, this was around the time the Visigoths invaded Rome in 410. This then set the Empire on a decline resulting in very little money for the gladiator games. There is no mention of the games in the surviving records after the 430's. The Colosseum however was not deserted. Such massive buildings were far too valuable to be left alone. Builders hauled away the Colosseums stones to repair other structures or to build new buildings, such as churches and public spaces (Lendon 2).When looking at athletics today, there are similarities to the Colosseum. The Stadiums or arenas that are used today all reflect the basic principles of the Colosseum. Sports such as football, basketball, soccer, and track, all consist of an ââ¬Å"aren aâ⬠where dominate athletes will participate in showcasing their elite and overpowering athletic abilities, competiting either as a team or individually to be the best. Surrounding that ââ¬Å"arenaâ⬠can compare the Colosseum's idea of an appropriate spectators view was given but at a price, exactly like our society today.It you nad t money you could afford the best seat in the stadium, and if you didn't, you had to settle for a seat that didn't have nearly as good of a view. It is apparent more space as provided for the spectators, because for the sake of being able to entertain a large crowd. Within a stadium are important areas to an athlete, in Rome these areas were passageways within the bottom layer of the Colosseum and the gladiators would be training and working on their combat skills and preparing for their battle (Lugli 1).A more common comparison would be a football stadium in which there are training rooms for the athletes and the locker room where all of the pre-game preparation is done. The athletes put all of their focus on the training, because the sport has major importance to them. The Colosseum impacted more than athletics, but also the Architecture that we see today is still being used and the ideas are being improved. When you look at the Colosseum you can see columns, arches, and other detailed designs within in the walls. Much like the Romans, Americans tend to salvage the good remains of buildings so that they can be used elsewhere.Today there are many buildings that have the same type of construction. Two examples being The White House and the Washington Capitol Building, two buildings represent power much like the Colosseum, both buildings consisting of the similar style columns and arches. You could sit here and try and convince yourself that there are differences between these buildings and the Colosseum, like it not being a similar shape but its not about that, the main importance would be how the structure is being held up and that would be with the strong, sturdy pillars that carry the image of power.This idea has been carried on through schools, Police departments, Courts, and even some banks have had similar structures. All of these buildings symbolize a lot of power over people for their own individual reasons. Though many will debate that perhaps the Colosseum is no longer important to ociety, It can be studied not only for its fascinating architecture but it can be used as a reminder of the sports that we have today and where our modern sports evolved from.The building itself is fascinating in the way it was put together with the lack of technology back then. Today something like that could be built faster and could be even more stable and perhaps more unique. The designs and the arches used could be even more developed and its look could be more eccentric, but acquiring the travertine block was difficult during this era, which adds to the significance of this marvelous building.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
When the Recession of the Late 2000s Began and Ended
When the Recession of the Late 2000s Began and Ended The recession that began in the late 2000s was, to date, the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression. They didnt call it the Great Recession for nothing. So how long did the recession last? When did it begin? When did it end? How did the length of the recession compare to previous recessions? See more: Even in Recession, Congress Pay Grew Heres a brief Q and A on the recession. When did the Great Recession begin? December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonprofit research group. When did the Great Recession end? June 2009, though lingering effects such as high unemployment continued to plague the United States well beyond that date. In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity, the NBER reported in September 2010. Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month. And a slow recovery it would be. How does the committee define a recession and a recovery? A recession is a period of falling economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales, NBER said. The trough marks the end of the declining phase and the start of the rising phase of the business cycle. Economic activity is typically below normal in the early stages of an expansion, and it sometimes remains so well into the expansion. How does the length of the Great Recession compare to past downturns? The recession lasted 18 months, making it the longest of any recession since World War II, according to the committee. Previously the longest postwar recessions were those of 1973-75 and 1981-82, both of which lasted 16 months. When and for how long did the other modern recessions occur? The recession of 2001 lasted eight months, from March through November of that year. The recession of the early 1990s also lasted eight months, from July 1990 through March 1991. The recession of the early 1980s lasted 16 months, from July 1981 through November 1982. How did the government deal with the Great Recession? In order to deal with the nationââ¬â¢s worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, Congress passed legislation that increased discretionary government spending in order to stimulate the economy. This legislation created programs ranging from financial assistance to large banks and car manufacturers to direct tax rebates for low-income households. In addition, Congress funded a series of massive ââ¬Å"shovel-readyâ⬠public works projects, such as highway construction and improvement. At its peak, in early 2009, total discretionary government spending reached about $1.2 trillion in annual terms, or 7% of the nationââ¬â¢s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In other words, ending the Great Recession required spending a lot of money the government simply had not planned to spend. How did the Great Recession affect taxpayers? Recessions, especially ââ¬Å"Greatâ⬠ones, can be costly affairs for taxpayers. According to the Federal Reserve Board, the Great Recession raised the U.S. federal debt and fiscal deficit to record peacetime levels. The federal debt increased from 62% of the GDP in 2007 before the recession to over 100% in 2013, five years after the supposed end of the recession. Indeed, the effects of the Great Depression of 2008 will linger for years to come. Updated by Robert Longley
Monday, October 21, 2019
Tartaros - A Place of Ultimate Punishment
Tartaros - A Place of Ultimate Punishment Free Online Research Papers Tartarus, also seen written as Tartaros, was not just believed (in Greek mythology) to have been a place of ultimate punishment, but also as one of the first Gods from which everything in the universe descended from. In ancient orphic sources Tartaros is also the unbounded first-existing ââ¬Å"thingâ⬠from which the Light and the Cosmos is born. Before the time of the elder Titan gods and the Olympian gods, there were five primordial gods that emerged from the void of creation. First Chaos (the Goddess of Emptiness) transpired into the universe. From her arose Tartarus (Primeval God of Hell) and his siblings Gaea (mother Earth), Eros (God of love, desire and fertility), and Erebus (God of Primordial Darkness). Little is known of the deity state of Tartarus, but it is said that he was a dour and depressing being. With time he sank into oblivion, giving his name to the darkest and most cruel place of punishment. The location of Tartarus is described as being the lowest region within Earth, lying far beneath the disk of the world. It was a dank and wretched pit engulfed in murky gloom. In The Iliad, Zeus claims that Tartarus is ââ¬Å"as far beneath Hades as heaven is high above the Earth.â⬠Tartarus is a place so far from the sun and so deep in the earth that it is hemmed in by three layers of night, which surrounds a bronze wall in which Tartarus is encompassed. The Greek poet Hesiod claims that a bronze anvil falling from the heavens would fall nine days before it reached the Earth. The anvil would then take nine more days to fall from Earth to Tartarus. According to the Greeks, there were three places in which the soul could rest for eternity. There was the Elysian Fields, the resting place for the blessed, heroic and virtuous. Then there was Hades, a place for the souls of mortal sinners. And finally there was Tartarus. Tartarus was known as being the prison for defeated gods. It was also a place where the punishment fit the crime. The Titans, also known as the elder gods, were the first to rule the Earth. Kronos was the ruler of all the gods. Among him were Gaea (mother and wife of Kronos, their offspring were the first of the Olympians), Uranus (father of Kronos), Rhea (mother of Zeus, goddess of the Earth, mountains and forests), Oceanus (husband of Tethys and produced the rivers and the three thousand ocean nymphs), Tethys, Hyperion (Titan of Light, father of the sun, moon, and the dawn), Mnemosyne (Titan of memory and mother of the Muses), Themis (Titan of justice and order, the mother of the Fates and the Seasons), Iapetus (father of Prometheus, Epimetheus and Atlas), Coeus (Titan of Intelligence, father of Leto), Crius, Phoebe (Titan of the moon, mother of Leto), Thea, Prometheus (Wisest Titan, creator of man, name means ââ¬Å"Forethought,â⬠The only Titan not sent to Tartarus), Epimetheus (Dumbest of Titans, name means ââ¬Å"Afterthought,â⬠accepted Pandora from Zeus, which brought ills and sorrows into the world), Atlas (Lead the Titans into battle), and Metis. In time the Olympians became power-hungry and challenged the Titans in a battle to rule the universe. Zeus, who led the Olympians, defeated his father Kronos and sent the Titans away to Tartarus where they were imprisoned in darkness for eternity. Among the Titans in Tartarus were Otus Ephialtes, Ixion and the Lapithes, Sisyphus, Tantalus, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatonchires. Otus and Ephialtes were two giants who warred with the Titans against the Olympians. They tried to reach heaven to overthrow the Olympians by piling Mount Ossa on Mount Olympus and Mount Pelion on Mount Ossa. Ixion was King of the Lapithes and is also called the ââ¬Å"first human to spill the blood of a relativeâ⬠. He murdered his father-in-law to avoid paying a price for his bride. When no one on Earth would purify him, Zeus took Ixion to Olympus and purified him. While there Ixion tried to seduce Zeusââ¬â¢s wife Hera, but Zeus created a phantom of her and by it Ixion became the father of the Centaurs. As punishment for his sinful act, Ixion was chained eternally to a revolving, fiery wheel in Tartarus. The Lapithes were a fierce people of Thessaly, known for the battle with the centaurs, which resulted in the complete destruction of the Centaurs and the exile of the Lapithes to Tartarus. Sisyphus was renowned for his cunning and was said to have even outwitted Death. For his disrespect to Zeus, he was condemned to push a heavy rock to the top of a steep hill in Tartarus for eternity, where it would always roll down only for him to push back up. Tantalus was the King of Sipylos, the son of Zeus and father of Pelops and Niobe. He was admitted to the society of the gods, but his repulsive behavior provoked their anger, and Zeus damned him to suffer eternally in Tartarus. One legend says that he had divulged divine secrets and stolen the godsââ¬â¢ sacred food. Another tells that he had murdered his son Pelops and served his body to the gods to test their intuition. As punishment he was immersed up to his neck in cool water, which disappeared whenever he tried to satisfy his thirst, and the fresh fruits, which hung above him leapt up when he attempted to take a bite. The Cyclopes were sons of Uranus and Gaea, and they were Arges, Brontes, and Steropes. They were giant beings with a single, round eye in the middle of their foreheads. They were so strong they could move mountains with their bare hands. In the battle between the Titans and the Olympians, the Cyclopes were overpowered by the Titan giants and were locked away in Tartarus. Years later, Zeus had found them one day visiting and smuggled in five jars of nectar, which refreshed them. Zeus then set them up with a prison workshop, including forge. Here they put together a helmet of invisibility for Hades, a missile trident for Poseidon and a stock of thunderbolts. Lastly, there were the Hecatonchires. They were the sons of Gaea and Uranus, and their names are Cottus, Briareus, and Gyges. They were stronger, more overbearing and fierce than the mighty Cyclopes. They had one hundred arms and fifty heads, a truly awesome yet horrifying sight. Their father Uranus was so disgusted, he cast them into Tartarus. Though it is the lowest, darkest and most evil place in Greek mythology, I found Tartarus to be very interesting and mysterious to study about. In todayââ¬â¢s society, some believe that there are only two places in which your soul can travel to, Heaven or Hell. But in Greek mythology, your soul can be sent to one of three. To them, the afterlife was just as important as their mortal life on Earth. Research Papers on Tartaros - A Place of Ultimate PunishmentThe Gnostic JesusThe Damnable Life of FaustBooker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-BarnettJoel Kovelââ¬â¢s The Enemy of NatureLegalization of Same Sex MarriagesCritical Analysis of HamletThe Rise and Fall of Napoleon BonaparteEmmett Till BiographyThe Broken FamilyFalse Advertising
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Mercury Program essays
The Mercury Program essays This report is going to be based on the NASA Mercury Program. The primary goals of this report is to explain the mission and purpose of the program, to give you an overview of the program, to explain the spacecraft used in the program, and to give flight summaries. Beginning in 1958 and culminating in 1963, Project Mercury was the United States' first man-in-space program. The objectives of the program, which made six manned flights from 1961 to 1963, were clear: To orbit a manned spacecraft around Earth, to investigate man's ability to function in space, and to recover both man and spacecraft safely. These goals and objectives were successfully completed. The true beginning of the effort that would in turn be manned space travel cannot be exactly pinpointed. History tells us that it has been in the minds of people since the beginning of recorded history. One might think that is was in the mind of the first people, but with numerous, strict, guidelines space flight was made a reality in 1961 when Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr. rose into space on the first manned space flight in U.S. history. Although the flight only lasted fifteen (15) minutes and twenty-eight (28) seconds this marked a tremendous milestone in space history, U.S. history and world history. This short flight marked the beginning of a new era. This new era was a tough era but would be one to come to pass no less. The many aspects of this mile-marking program were rigorous. The making and testing of the spacecraft had strict guidelines that had to be followed. The selection process of the noble men that flew in the spacecraft was hard. The selection process started wi th 508 people that were screened. Only 110 men met the minimum requirements and standards. After those men were vigorously interrogated only sixty-nine (69) men arrived in Washington. In March of 1959 the number had decrease to thirty- six (36) men. By the end of March after many test and trials app...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Adding Value through Diversity Management, Ethical Behaviours, and Assignment
Adding Value through Diversity Management, Ethical Behaviours, and Organisational Commitment - Assignment Example According to the discussionà employee resourcing is defined in various ways, including what it is basically composed of, what it should be, and what it actually is. Armstrong provided a straightforward definition of the role of resourcing in supporting company operations and objectives: ââ¬Å"Resourcing is what organisations do to ensure they have the people they need.â⬠Employee resourcing includes recruitment, selection, and retention strategies.This paper stresses thatà employee resourcing can improve performance through adopting diversity management strategies. From recruiting to hiring, a diversity management perspective allows HR to look for and hire from as varied pools of applicants as possible. This relates to Equal Opportunity principle, where biases and discrimination are removed from HR policies and practices. Wilson gave the UK National Health Service as an illustration of international diversity management. She stressed that the NHS is ââ¬Å"largest single em ployer within the UK, employing over a million people ââ¬â 5 percent of the working population ââ¬â in numerous careers. The NHS reaps the benefits of tapping competent and experienced people from all over the world, while migrant workers gain helpful education and experience. Benefits flow both ways for the NHS case. Furthermore, selecting diverse people enhances creativity. Google is known for its diversity management in hiring and selecting people.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Mobile Messaging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mobile Messaging - Essay Example Studies have shown that currently, about one billion people in the world use mobile messaging services. This has been projected to grow to about two billion users in the next three years (Khalaf, 2014). Some of the mobile messaging platforms that have been widely used in the world include Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Kik and Messenger. Different users have different preferences when it comes to the choice of platform to be used. However, cases of use of multiple platforms are also common. With the increase in the use of smartphones, mobile messaging has also grown rapidly. Smartphones war has also been caused by the rise and popularity of mobile messaging applications. Handset manufacturing companies such as Samsung and Apple have fought fiercely in popularizing their smartphones basically as a result of the popularity of mobile messaging. Due to this rapid rise in the use of mobile messaging services, a lot of studies have been carried out on this topic. The studies have shown that the growth or increased use of mobile messaging supported by platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Messenger and Kik has impacted heavily on the society. The impacts of mobile messaging on the society have been both positive and negative. One of the straight forward advantages of the use of mobile messaging is that it provides a form of communication in the society. Mobile messaging is real time. The messages or data that is sent from one mobile phone handset to another is received in real time. This therefore allow for sharing of information very fast and hence providing a channel of communication. The current world is a world where communication has become an important element in the day today life of an individual. Mobile messaging, unlike calls, is free and therefore allows for communication just by few keystrokes. This has allowed people in various regions of the world to
Master of science, financial engineer personal statement
Master of science, financial engineer - Personal Statement Example One of the reasons I studied engineering is due my excellent quantitative abilities. I scored a perfect 800 on the math section of the GRE exam. Despite my background in engineering I have realized that pure engineering work might not be what I desire to do with my life. My love for math can be put to better use in a related field. I am interest in applying for the masterââ¬â¢s degree program in financial engineering. I want to pursue a degree in financial engineering because this is a growing field that has plenty of jobs available due to the fact that there is a shortage of professionals trained in this field. My background in engineering will only enhance my ability to visualize how to apply finance to optimize the efficiency of an engineering project. All engineering projects require the assistance of accountants and financial people. As a financial engineer I can become the bridge that connects the engineering and accounting/finance departments. My technical expertise in engineering will enable me to speak the language of engineers, while at the same time being able to communicate effectively with the managers and financial people. Upon further researching the salary potential of electrical engineering I realized that even though engineers are paid a very competitive salary which hovers around $60,000 starting out, the field of financial engineering is much more rewarding. The average starti ng salary for a financial engineer is $80,000 to $90,000. Investing an extra two years of my life pursing a graduate degree in financial engineering is an investment that will provide me with a tremendous return on investment. Along with the financial incentive one of the primary reasons that I want to study financial engineering is because the type of work performed by financial engineers is more personally rewarding to me. I love performing pure math and working with numbers. My college counselor told me that based on my math
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Management - Essay Example In order to cope up with this era of efficient and advanced technology NYSE has an advanced computerized system and more than 50% of its trading takes place electronically. (Stock Market Investing Guide) National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) dates back its origin to 1790. It became a public company in 1987. It is the first company that sold and offered its own technology to empower other exchanges of the world. NASDAQ is also the first exchange to offer double listing and it has also consolidated the Global Market to great extents. NASDAQ has improved its technology, trade and business magnificently since last few years. Innovation lies in the roots of the company. They work to collaborate the dreamers with the doers. After a consistent and efficient growth rate since last 10 years NASDAQ now operates in 26 different locations with in 17 countries. To control the functions of such an immense organization scientific technology is a necessity therefor e NASDAQ has a completely computerized system where all the trading takes place electronically. (NASDAQ OMX) Whenever there is a discussion about stock market the two names that strike oneââ¬â¢s mind urgently are NASDAQ and NYSE. The two of the biggest plat forms where trading of stocks takes place. Both of these organizations have a major share in worldwide or Global Market. The major similarity between both these organizations is that they deal with the trading that is buying and selling of stocks. These are the platforms where buyers and sellers meet each other and have transactions settled between them. Another common factor between NASDAQ and NYSE is that both of them are public entities where different companies can get enlisted. (The NYSE And Nasdaq: How They Work). Apart from these factors there is a large difference between the working mechanism and operating system of both the organizations. The basic difference between NASDAQ and NYSE is their ââ¬Å"locationâ⬠. L ocation here does not refers to an address but instead itââ¬â¢s the place or floor where trading takes place. In NYSE trading takes place on physical floors that is the traders (buyers and sellers) gather on New York trading place and buy or sell the stocks physically by themselves. Where as in NASDAQ trading of stocks takes place through an electronic medium (telecommunication). People here do not meet each other at some place to make arrangements and decisions about the value and price of their stock but instead investors and buyers or sellers have direct transactions among them through telecommunication. Another difference is that NASDAQ is a dealers market where buyers and sellers do not transact with each other directly but instead there is a dealer who facilitates trade among them. On the other hand NYSE is an auction market where individuals (buyers and sellers) physically indulge in trading and an auction takes place in which the maximum offered price is matched with the minimum demanded price. In NASDAQ the dealer who is also known as the market maker deals with the problems, flaws and errors that might hinder companyââ¬â¢s growth and progress. Whereas, in NYSE there is a person, known as a specialist, who is responsible for taking care of such issues. There is also a difference between the companies which are listed in both the markets. In NASDAQ there is a higher ratio of technology oriented companies that deal in electronics. However, most of the
Ibn Sinna Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Ibn Sinna - Essay Example Ibn Sinaââ¬â¢s supreme work includes the monumental Al Qanun, the Canon and Kitab-al-Shifa (The Book of Healing). The Canon discusses medical completely in order to classify all the present medical knowledge.à While, Kitab-al-Shifa being a philosophical encyclopedia, covers huge areas of knowledge from philosophy to science. The Sheikh al-Raââ¬â¢is Sharaf al-Mulk Abu Ali al-Husayn Abd Allah al-Hasan Ali Ibn Sina, generally known as Avicenna, is among the most celebrated and original Muslim philosophers in the history of philosophy (Al Naqib, 1993). He is the actual creator of a scholastic system in the Islamic world and is described as the leader of Islamic philosophy. The most famous works of Avicenna are on philosophy and medicine. His philosophical visions have intrigued the interest of Western thinkers over a number of centuries, and his writings have been among the most significant sources in philosophy. His other major contributions were in the fields of metaphysics, poetry, animal physiology, minerals, rhetoric, and mechanics of solids, Arabic syntax and meteorology (Ahmed, 1990). Ibn Sina birth took place in the village of Afshana in the surrounding areas of Bukhara, now known as in Uzbekistan, in 980 AD (370 AH) in an Islamic family interested in intellectual sciences and philosophy which proved to be extremely influential later in his life (Al Naqib, 1993). His early schooling was done in Bukhara and became knowledgeable in the study of the Quran and various sciences by the age of ten.à His teacher, Abu Abdallah Natili, a renowned philosopher, taught him logic and many other subjects (Ahmed, 1990). Furthermore, he began reading philosophy by studying numerous Greek, Muslim and other books related to this subject. He accomplished a degree of expertise in medicine at a very young age due to which he gained immense popularity. After curing the King of Bukhara, Nooh Ibn Mansoor, at the age of 17, he was
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Management - Essay Example In order to cope up with this era of efficient and advanced technology NYSE has an advanced computerized system and more than 50% of its trading takes place electronically. (Stock Market Investing Guide) National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) dates back its origin to 1790. It became a public company in 1987. It is the first company that sold and offered its own technology to empower other exchanges of the world. NASDAQ is also the first exchange to offer double listing and it has also consolidated the Global Market to great extents. NASDAQ has improved its technology, trade and business magnificently since last few years. Innovation lies in the roots of the company. They work to collaborate the dreamers with the doers. After a consistent and efficient growth rate since last 10 years NASDAQ now operates in 26 different locations with in 17 countries. To control the functions of such an immense organization scientific technology is a necessity therefor e NASDAQ has a completely computerized system where all the trading takes place electronically. (NASDAQ OMX) Whenever there is a discussion about stock market the two names that strike oneââ¬â¢s mind urgently are NASDAQ and NYSE. The two of the biggest plat forms where trading of stocks takes place. Both of these organizations have a major share in worldwide or Global Market. The major similarity between both these organizations is that they deal with the trading that is buying and selling of stocks. These are the platforms where buyers and sellers meet each other and have transactions settled between them. Another common factor between NASDAQ and NYSE is that both of them are public entities where different companies can get enlisted. (The NYSE And Nasdaq: How They Work). Apart from these factors there is a large difference between the working mechanism and operating system of both the organizations. The basic difference between NASDAQ and NYSE is their ââ¬Å"locationâ⬠. L ocation here does not refers to an address but instead itââ¬â¢s the place or floor where trading takes place. In NYSE trading takes place on physical floors that is the traders (buyers and sellers) gather on New York trading place and buy or sell the stocks physically by themselves. Where as in NASDAQ trading of stocks takes place through an electronic medium (telecommunication). People here do not meet each other at some place to make arrangements and decisions about the value and price of their stock but instead investors and buyers or sellers have direct transactions among them through telecommunication. Another difference is that NASDAQ is a dealers market where buyers and sellers do not transact with each other directly but instead there is a dealer who facilitates trade among them. On the other hand NYSE is an auction market where individuals (buyers and sellers) physically indulge in trading and an auction takes place in which the maximum offered price is matched with the minimum demanded price. In NASDAQ the dealer who is also known as the market maker deals with the problems, flaws and errors that might hinder companyââ¬â¢s growth and progress. Whereas, in NYSE there is a person, known as a specialist, who is responsible for taking care of such issues. There is also a difference between the companies which are listed in both the markets. In NASDAQ there is a higher ratio of technology oriented companies that deal in electronics. However, most of the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Should the UK government restore the 50% additional rate of income tax Essay
Should the UK government restore the 50% additional rate of income tax - Essay Example Great Britain (2010) noted that an income tax of 20% is automatically charged on savings interest while those who are married and one of the spouses was born before 6 April 1935 are able to claim a Married Coupleââ¬â¢s Allowance hence reducing the tax bill. The UK government is fair because those who are blind are able to claim the Blind Personââ¬â¢s Allowance. This paper is going to give opinions on if the UK government should restore the 50% additional rate of income tax. First, the paper will provide an explanation of the recent history of the additional rate of the income tax and then discuss arguments in favor of and against the restored rate of 50%. Great Britain (2010) noted that in 2009, Alistair Darling the then Chancellor announced that there would be tax increases in order to contribute over six billion pounds by the year 2012. The reason behind this was ensure that the economic future of the country was secured and to provide assistance for citizens when they require it most. The changes incorporated an increase in the indirect taxes rates for instance duties on alcohol and road fuel for that current year, variations in income tax from the month of April 2010 that included a new 50% rate on all incomes above 150,000 pounds. Great Britain (2010) stated that the new additional 50% rate brought about many feedbacks about the Budget, as individuals viewed it as a valuable change in the Labor governmentââ¬â¢s approach to taxing those who are wealthy in the society. There were many debates among citizens wondering if the changes would enable the government to get as much as they had anticipated. For instance, 1.3 billion pou nds in November 2010 rose to 3.05 billion pounds in December 2011. Great Britain (2010) noted that UK consisted of 31.3 million-taxpayer population but according to the revenue and customs estimate, only 236,000 citizens were entitled to pay the 50% rate in November 2010. Great Britain (2010) noted that the Liberal Democrat
Discrimination Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Discrimination Worksheet Essay â⬠¢ What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination is unfair treatment to different categories of people based on many things including race, religion, culture, orientation, and so on. Prejudice is, in my terms, judging someone without actually knowing anything about them. Stereotyping is very similar to prejudice but it is widely known groups that people are placed in like jock or nerd. Discrimination is different because you are acting on the hatred you have for people instead of just thinking about it. For example, it is the difference between thinking about killing someone and actually doing it. Discrimination is probably the most hurtful because you are being open about it to someone instead of thinking it to yourself. â⬠¢ What are the causes of discrimination? Many things can cause discrimination. The main thing, I would say, is it is a learned behavior. This means these people who discriminate were probably raised to feel this way towards a certain group of people. What you learn growing up can stay with you for the rest of your life. Here you are a defenseless child who knows nothing but are told to hate a certain group of people, you are going to listen because you were raised to. Then, when youââ¬â¢re older, you will automatically discriminate against this group because you were told to. There is discrimination against people of other races because they have a different skin color which makes them ââ¬Å"different.â⬠There is discrimination against gay people because we donââ¬â¢t understand why they ââ¬Å"chooseâ⬠to be that way. These are just a couple examples of what causes discrimination. â⬠¢ How is discrimination faced by one identity group (race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability) the same as discrimination faced by another? How are they different? I think discrimination is faced by all groups the same in one way, they are all getting treated unfairly because of their race, ethnicity, religion, etc. I donââ¬â¢t think there is a single person in life, even a white male, who has not experienced some form of discrimination in their lifetime. However, other than that one fact, I think everyone faces discrimination differently. People of different races deal with being called a lot of names. Also, people with different religions get made fun of for what they believe. Women receive a lot of negativity when they try to move up in a company because ââ¬Å"the manâ⬠is supposed to. Gay men and women are frequently told they are going to Hell and God doesnââ¬â¢t approve. The funny this is, most gay people I know believe in God and go to church regularly! Discrimination is faced by many different groups in very different ways.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Bone Growth And Remodeling
Bone Growth And Remodeling Ossification and osteogenesis are two processes deemed necessary in bone. Bone growth, maintenance, repair and remodelling are a continuous process, even throughout early adulthood. Compact bone tissue provides support and protection in attempt to resists the stressors we place upon them. As we grow or encounter a traumatic experience our bones deteriorate allowing new bone tissue to be replaced (McGee-Lawrence, Westendorf, 2010). The metaphysis (mature bone region) is where the bone shaft and the distal or proximal ends of the bone join. A layer of hyaline cartilage is within each growing bone to allow the diaphysis (long bone) to grow in length (Walker, Lovejoy, Bedfford Yee, 2006). When the length of the bone has fulfilled its length, the cartilage is replaced by a bony epiphyseal (bony structure). With its thin layer the articular cartilage reducing resistance to absorb joints that have free movement. The repair of articular cartilage is minimal because it lacks irregular tissue, perichondrium (McGee-Lawrence, Westendorf, 2010). If the articular cartilage is not covering bone surface, the periosteum is put in replacement. The periosteum, acting as a tough sheath of dense irregular tissue is able to serve as an attachment point for ligaments and tendons. This gives them the ability to also assist in bone tissue nourishment and assist in fracture repair (Tortora, 2005). Bone Growth The extracellular matrix is where cells, collagen fibre and crystallised mineral salts are held. Crystallisation is where minerals combine to create the tissue hardness, the beginning of bone formation (McGee-Lawrence, Westendorf, 2010). Within the microscopic spaces of collagen fibres, an abundant amount of inorganic mineral salts such as calcium phosphate, magnesium hydroxide, fluoride and sulphate are deposited. An amalgamation of minerals allows crystallisation to occur within the framework formed by collagen fibres, initiated by osteoblasts. This is the process of calcification. A profuse amount of mineral crystals surround the collagen fibre creating the hardness and characteristics of bone. The hardness of a bone is dependent on the crystallisation formation whereas collagen fibres are responsible for the flexibility (Walker et al., 2006). Mesenchyme stem cells are the foundation of bone formation during embryonic development and have the capability of transformation into a range of cells: osteogenic, osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts cells. Osteogenic cells are located within the periosteum and within bone containing blood vessels. Their only role is to undergo cell division resulting in osteoblasts (McGee-Lawrence, Westendorf, 2010). Osteoblasts synthesize and secrete collagen fibres in combination with organic components to build extracellular matrix of bone tissue, also responsible for calcification (Tortora, 2005). Plasma proteins bring new bone formation via the synthesis of osteoid, a non-mineralised bone matrix. When osteoblasts trap themselves with an excess amount of extracellular matrix, they are then called osteocytes. Within the Osteoblasts, many receptors are found in bone marrow assisting in regulating osteoclastic bone remodelling. The amount of osteoclast formation is determined by the level of receptor activator of nuclear factor KB-ligand (RANKL). If there is a defect of RANKL, a patient may suffer Paget Disease. This is when bone abnormality can occur; both resorption and formation (Walker et al., 2006). Osteocytes, also known as mature bone because of their function are located in a hardened bone matrix (lacuna). They are the key cell in bone tissue, maintaining daily metabolism (exchange nutrients and waste in blood) and secrete protein such as sclerostin to reduce bone formation (McGee-Lawrence, Westendorf, 2010). They have the capability to communicate with each other to exchange nutrients from capillaries containing nutrient-rich fluids. Osteocytes also communicate with osteoblasts and osteoclasts, signalling both when and where to resorb and form new bone (McGee-Lawrence, Westendorf, 2010). Osteoclasts are the major resorptive white blood cells containing lysosomes or digestive vacuoles filled with hydrolytic enzymes. The release of enzymes digests protein and mineral components in the extracellular matrix of bone, as part of the maintenance, repair and growth of bone. This process is called resorption. Once completed, they revert to their parent cell or become inactive (Walker et al., 2006). Bone remodelling Bone remodelling is an ongoing procedure from new bones at with to healing period of fractures. The strength of a bone is determined by the stressors placed upon it whilst in the remodelling phase. The most common fractures paramedics face on road is: à · Compressed most common in old age, osteoporosis à · Spiral ragged break, mostly seen in sports injuries à · Depressed pressed inwards, skull fracture à · Greenstick Incomplete break, most common in children First action to take place in a fracture is formation of hematoma. Blood vessels are broken, resulting in a leakage from the torn ends (Walker et al., 2006). A blood clot around the site of the fracture usually within 6 to 8 hours following the injury is called hematoma. As clotting continues and fracture hematoma forms, blood flow to the site of injury becomes minimal, causing bone cells to die. Swelling and inflammation is the result of dead bone cells, producing additional cellular debris. This allows phagocytes and osteoclasts to eliminate damaged tissue. This process should take 2 to 3 weeks to conclude (Tortora, 2005). The help of new blood capillaries in the fracture helps growing connective tissue called procallus. Fibroblasts (producing collagen fibres) and osteogenic cells attack the procallus to assist in connecting ends of the broken bones. Osteogenic cells transform into chondroblasts where healthy bone cartilage are developing and become fibrocartilage. Within 3 weeks, signs of bone tissue repair begin to show. This action is successful when the procallus is transformed into a fibrocartilaginous. Whiles this is occurring, phagocytes continue to remove any debris surrounding the fracture (McCance, Heuther, Brashers Rote, 2010). Osteogenic cells are later converted into osteoblasts to produce spongy bone trabeculae, a microscopic tissue. Trabeculae join the living and dead portions of the bone. After 3-4 months, Fibrocartilage changes into bony callus, a spongy bone (McCance et al, 2010). The final phase of bone repair is remodelling. Osteoclasts gradually resorb original fragments of broken bones as compact bone replaces spongy bone. If all cells are working in a healthy patient, detection of fracture line under radiograph is unseen. As the stressor on the bone increases, signs of thickness may later show (McCance et al, 2010). Bone remodelling is a slow process of removing old tissue and producing new bone tissue. As we grow, bone tissue goes through maintenance, repair and development in order to cope with the stressors. The remodelling of bone tissue only occurs when a patient has gone through a traumatic injury; this is where the housekeeping phagocytes are active and inflammation to ensure bacteria do not enter blood vessels, causing further damage.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Versatile, and Loved Cherry Tree :: Botany
The Versatile, and Loved Cherry Tree People all across the world enjoy cherries for their sweet flavor in pies, candies, and pastries. They have become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the world. As reported by the Columbia Encyclopedia Online (2000), they can be found in home orchards all across the country. However, the cherry tree has many uses. Some varieties are valued for their beautiful flowers, others for the wood that can be made into high quality furniture. Whatever the variety or use, the cherry tree is an important plant in today's society. The cherry tree traces its origins back to the east. The earliest signs of cherry trees come from the area around Asia Minor, Persia, and Transcaucasia (, 2000). To this area of the world, the cherry tree has become almost a sacred plant, with many varieties of flowering cherry trees being cultivated into various forms all valued for their flowers. This has become so popular in the east that in Japan they have even instituted a national holiday around the time that the trees begin to blossom (The Columbia Encyclopedia Online, 2000). Cherry trees were introduced to Europe through both natural processes and human interaction. By 73 BC, the cherry tree had been introduced to most of southern and central Europe with the help of the Romans. Soon after, the plants started to appear in Great Britain, where they were able to flourish (MS Encarta Online, 2000). Now there are species of cherry trees all over the Northern Hemisphere with species and varieties that have adapted so well to the different environments that today you can find varieties of cherry tree in almost any region, from California to Japan, that have developed unique and prized characteristics (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1999). Cherry trees, like many fruit bearing trees, are members of the rose family. The scientific name for the family is Rosaceae. Cherries are in the genus Prunus along with apricots, peaches, and plums (The Columbia Encyclopedia Online, 2000). Cherry trees come in hundreds of varieties, but are derived from only a few species. There are two main species valued for their fruit, a couple of species are known for producing high quality wood or are grown as ornamentals. All species of cherry tree have varieties that are prized for their beautiful and aromatic flowers (, 2000). One of the cherries that bear edible fruit is known scientifically as Prunus avium.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Customers For Life By Carl Sew Essay -- essays research papers
"Customers for Life" Carl Sewellââ¬â¢s book ââ¬Å"Customers for Lifeâ⬠is devoted to teaching the businessperson of today ways in which they can turn one-time buyers into customers for life. He states that every customer has the ability to be worth 332,000 dollars to your business if you can keep them for life. Mr. Sewell is the number selling luxury automobile dealer in the country. He started from the bottom and manipulated his automobile business into a 250,000,000-dollar business. In his book he explains the things that he has found to work for his business in great detail so that you may also apply them to your business. The entire book revolves around these 10 commandments to customer service: The Ten Commandments of Customer Service 1. Bring ââ¬Ëem back alive. Ask customers what they want and give it to them again and again. Do not try and guess what the customers want, just ask them. They are more than willing to tell you. You should make it easy for the customer to tell you what they want by giving them a short questionnaire. Most importantly, you do not want to pester the customer; if you bother the customer, they are not going to be happy. 2 Systems, not smiles. Saying please and thank you does not ensure youââ¬â¢ll do the job right the first time, every time. Only systems guarantee that. There are two major components of a system. The first being to do the job right the first time and the second one is having a plan in place to deal with things when they go wrong. Bei...
Collision Theory Essay
I have been asked to investigate the effects different factors such as concentration and temperature have on the rate of reaction The rate of reaction is the loss rate of a reactant or the rate of creation of a product during a chemical reaction and it can be measured by dividing one by the time taken for the reaction be completed. Collision Theory states that an increase in concentration, temperature, surface area and the use of a catalyst in a reaction will either increase the rate of reaction by increasing the rate of collision between reactant particles, increase the success rate of collisions between the reactants or both of these reactions, there is also another factor which effects the rate of reaction, but is only applicable in gasses, that factor being pressure. I have chosen to investigate the effects of Concentration on rate of reaction, as it is the most accurately achievable while still challenging factor to change. Method: Equipment- 1x conical flask 2x 50ml measuring cylinder 1x 10ml measuring cylinder 1x pipette Sodium Thiosulphate Hydrochloric acid Water Stop clock Safety goggles Plain paper with a black cross on it. Add 10ml of HCL to a conical flask, by All procedures will be undertaken with safety goggles on. After assembling all of the equipment I will pour as close to 10 ml of hydrochloric acid into the 10 ml measuring cylinder, using the pipette to get the amount as close as reasonably possible, I will when doing this take into account surface tension and hence fill so the actual amount in the measuring cylinder is at 10ml not a little under as it may appear. I will then add (starting with 50ml descending in steps of 5ml to 20ml) sodium thiosulphate to the 50ml measuring cylinder. Following this I will add (starting with 0ml rising to 30ml in steps of five, in such a manner that the total volume of water combined with sodium thiosulphate Is always at 50ml) water to the second 50ml measuring cylinder. I will then add the two 50ml measuring cylinders contents into the cylinder containing the sodium thiosulphate, leave the cylinder for 10 seconds for the liquids to mix together (after swirling gently 10 times) before emptying the hydrochloric acid into the conical flask, followed by the mixture of sodium thiosulphate and water. The conical flask will be left on top of the piece of paper for the addition of the latter and when the second liquid is poured into the conical flask the stop clock will be started, I will then proceed to watch the view the black cross on the piece of paper bellow the conical flask until the point I can no longer see the black cross, at which instance I will stop the stop clock and record the time taken on a table along with the volumes of liquids used, I will also take the temperature at the time to make sure if there is any major discrepancy caused by the temperature I will know that this is the case and will be able to identify and explain these results.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Demand & Supply , Examine the Argument in Favour & Against Minimum Wage Law in Uk
* BUSINESS DECISION ANALYSIS* * London* *School*of Accountancy & Management Course Instructor: Prof. Armaan Nehal. N. Panchasara (ID no: ST0005944) Masters of Business Administration Assignment: A * (Using Demand & Supply: examine the arguments in favour & against minimum wage law in UK*) * *Total words: 1,402 Demand It refers to the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods and services at different prices. Supply It refers to the willingness and ability of sellers to provide goods and services for sale at different prices What* *is minimum wage? A minimum wage is the lowest monthly, daily or hourly that employers may legally pay to their employees or workers. Or in other words, it can be explained as the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labour. What is minimum wage law in U. K? A National Minimum Wage (NMW) was introduced for the first time by the Labour government of UK on 1 April 1999, and itââ¬â¢s been practiced hence fore. The current minimum wage of UK* as per October 2009 Demand curve of labour: It is assumed that the higher the wage, the fewer hours an employer will demand of an employee. This is because, as the wage rate rises, it becomes more expensive for firms to hire workers and so firms hire fewer workers. The demand of labour curve is therefore shown as a line moving down and to the right. {draw:frame} Supply curve of labour: It is assumed that workers are t o ready labour for more hours if wages are high. Graphical economic representation of this relationship is plotted as the wage on the vertical axis and the quantity (hours) of labour supplied on the horizontal axis. Since increase in wages, increase the quantity supplied, the supply of labour curve is upward sloping, and is shown as a line moving up and to the right. {draw:frame} Effect of Minimum wage law on demand & supply: {draw:frame} Nearly all introductory textbooks on study of economics, it states, increasing the minimum wage decreases the employment of minimum-wage workers. More such textbook says: ââ¬Å"If a higher minimum wage increases the wage rates of unskilled employees above the level that would be established by market forces, the quantity of employment for unskilled workers will fall. The minimum wage will price the services of the lowest productive (and therefore lowest-wage) workers out of the market. â⬠¦ The direct results of minimum wage are clearly mixed. Some workers, mostly those whose previous wages were closest to the minimum, will enjoy higher wages. Other, particularly those with the lowest wage rates, will be unable to find work. They will be pushed into the ranks of the unemployed. If there is rise in the level of minimum wage, then there is rise in level of unemployment, because if the minimum wage is increased the demand for labour falls as it is less profitable for the firms to employ as many people. It is assumed that higher the wages, the fewer hours an employer will demand of an employee, as the wage rate rises, it becomes more expensive for firm to hire workers and so firms hire fewer workers. The demand of labour curve is therefore shown as a line moving down and to the right. While merging the demand and supply curves of labour, we can examine the effect of minimum wage. Assuming that supply and demand curves for labour will not change as a result of raising the minimum wage. If no minimum wage is in the place, workers and employers will continue to adjust the quantity of labour supplied according to price until the quantity labour demanded is equal to the quantity of labour supplied, i. e. reaching Equilibrium price, where demand and supply curves intersect. As shown in above graph. Arguments in Favour of Minimum wage law: Motivates and encourages employee to work more efficiently. By increasing incomes for the lowest-paid workers, the cost of government social welfare decreases. Stimulates consumption of low-income people by putting more money in their hands that spend their entire pay checks. Does not have a substantial effect on unemployment compared to most other economic factors and so it does not put any extra pressure on welfare systems. According to Historical evidence it is noticed at current levels, that it neither hurts businesses nor reduces job creation. A study of U. K. tates showed that businesses' average and annual payrolls grow faster and employment grew at a faster rate in UK with a minimum wage imposed, the study showed a correlation, but did not prove causation to claim. Increases the work ethic for those who earn very little, as employers demand more return from the higher cost of hiring these workers. Arguments in Against the Minimum wage law: Discourages further education among the poor by encourage people to enter the job market. The National Minimum Wage had a negative impact on the staffing levels within our retail stores. The stores are operating for fewer hours as compared to they were several years ago in order to absorb the impact of the strong increases. Businesses spend fewer amounts on training their employees. Reduces profit margins of business owners as employing minimum wage workers, thus it encouraged to move to businesses that do not employ low-skill workers. Businesses try to compensate their effects by raising the prices of the goods being sold thus it caused inflation and increasing the costs of goods and services produced. Does not improve the situation of those who suffer from poverty, it benefited some at the expense of the poorest and least productive. It gave a limitation on the freedom of both employers and employees, and can result in the exclusion of certain groups from the labour force. As a labour market is parallel of political-economic protectionism, it excludes low cost competitors from labour markets, hampers firms in reducing wage costs during trade downturns, and generates various industrial-economic inefficiencies as well as unemployment, poverty, and price rises, and generally impairment of functions. Reduction in quantity demanded of workers, either through reduces in the number of hours worked by individuals, or through reduces in the number of jobs. A NMW set above the free-market wage for certain groups raises the marginal cost of employing people ââ¬â so firms will cut jobs, reduce hours of work for employees and unemployment will rise. Other workers will demand higher wages to maintain pay differentials (this is known as ââ¬Å"pay leap-forgingâ⬠). An increase in the total wage bill may cause cost-push inflation and damage the price competitiveness of UK producers in international markets. Young and low-skilled workers will lose out ââ¬â firms will tend to employ older workers whose experience is greater. There will be a substitution effect of works against younger participants in the labour market. A minimum wage will not ease poverty because many poor households do not have a income earner. Poverty is concentrated in those groups where no one is in paid employment. A minimum wage has little direct effect on these households ââ¬â better to introduce a minimum income guarantee. A NMW does not take into account regional differences in cost of living and will have a effect of distortion on the way the UK labour market works. Effects of minimum wage law: Effects on the distribution of wages and earnings among low-paid and higher-paid workers. Effects on the distribution of incomes among high-income and low-income families. Effects on the skills of workers through job trainings and the deferring work to acquire education. Effects on profits and prices. Employment effects, the most frequently studied aspect Conclusion Since the introduction of a national minimum wage in the UK in 1999, its effects on employment were subject to extensive research and observation by the Low Pay Commission. The Low Pay Commission found that, rather than make employees redundant, employers have reduced their rate of hiring, reduced staff hours, increased prices, and have found ways to cause current workers to be more productive (especially service companies). Neither trade unions nor employer organizations contest the minimum wage, although the latter had especially done so heavily until 1999. References: Abowd, John M. , Francis Kramarz, David N. Margolis and Thomas Philippon (2000), ââ¬Å"A Tail of Two Countries: Minimum Wages and Employment in France and the United Statesâ⬠, mimeo, CREST, Paris, September. Angriest, Joshua and Alan Krueger (1999), ââ¬Å"Empirical Strategies in Labour Economicsâ⬠, in O. Ashenfelter and D. Card (eds. ), Handbook of Labour Economics,
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Abortion - Essay Example ay briefly introduce the case first and then move on to understand the legal framework relevant to the case followed by simple arguments for both sides, ethical principles, code of ethics to be followed by social workers and finally anti discriminatory practices in order to prove that the young girl who is the victim in our case, had the right to abortion and I, as the nurse she consulted am bound to advise likewise. The case referred here is that of a 14 year old who becomes pregnant unintentionally. She lives with her black Christian parents who are anti-abortion in their perspectives and do not know of this. Hence she got in touch with a nurse at school in order to understand what her options were about termination of her pregnancy. She was going through troubled mental health. Let us now debate upon which decision I, as the nurse (role play) should take. Let us first use the legal framework to look at the problem in hand. The Abortion Act of 1967 states that a British woman is permitted to opt for abortion only if it has been certified or granted by two doctors that abortion is permissible and on the contrary pregnancy would jeopardize her life as well as physical health condition. Also it needs to be proved that she would be physically better off by undergoing abortion than by continuing with her pregnancy. The socio economic disadvantage of the woman is also another ground under which abortion might be granted. General practitioners have the authority to give birth control related advice as well as suggestions towards abortion to young girls below 16. (Francome and Freeman, 2000) The current law regarding abortion is also derived form the 1967 Act, except that the tenure for the fetuses is being reduced. From the legal viewpoint therefore, the girl would require the consent of two medical professionals or doctors if she wants to u ndergo abortion. I being her advisor am entitled to certify that she needs abortion but certain jugglery of arguments is
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Hemorrhage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hemorrhage - Research Paper Example In many cases, tissues and vessels are scarred and damaged during the delivery process. This presents a situation where blood continuously flows after the delivery (Anderson, 2007). The uterus is also at risk of losing its ability to contract. This leads to the flow of blood without the ability to self contain itself and stop. In other instances, some tissues and vessels may be retained in the uterus causing the bleeding to occur. This is also made quite difficult if the woman is suffering from a blood disorder (Knight, 2009). The disorder affects the entire bodyââ¬â¢s clotting system. This will then inhibit the bodyââ¬â¢s ability to stop any bleeding. This data has created a scenario where there is an urgent need to find the most effective and efficient way to prevent and treat hemorrhage. This is with the aim of reducing all the PPH related complications and deaths that occur all over the world (Anderson, 2007). There have been very many studies that have been conducted to de al with the PPH issue. They all aim to identify the best procedure to deal with the issue of PPH. In one study, it was observed that there are trends that can be monitored and observed in many of the cases of PPH. The International PPH which is a Collaborative Group conducted studies in some countries. The countries included the US, Belgium, France, UK, Canada and Australia. They observed that there was a very close connection between PPH patients in the countries. The research did not highlight on the criteria used to select the above mentioned case study countries (Miller, 2004). It is also important to note that they were observing trends from developed countries. This had the sole aim of identifying the observations arrived at from the research. It would have been essential to observe some developing countries. This would have provided a great contrast for the study. Research of prevention and management of PPH shows high chances of problem identification and correction. Once da ta has been collected, it is easy to observe the trends. They offer a healthy basis to understand very many factors that have been previously ignored. Some factors include the effect of the environment on the pregnant woman. Another trend includes the effect of prolonged labour on her reproductive system. There is an obvious conclusion that there are some issues that are arrived at based on observations. The research concludes that there is a need to insist on prevention of PPH. This is as compared to treating it once it has occurred (Anderson, 2007). Doctors should be very observant of their patients before and after the delivery process. It is crucial for doctors to observe the patients general weight and anaemic tendencies. This will ensure that some of the possible causes of PPH are eliminated. The doctor should then find out the patientââ¬â¢s history in respect to previous births (Bhau, 2008). Historical information is very important as it will help identify if there are cha nces for the hemorrhage to occur. In all the researches conducted, there is an agreement of the two distinct methods to deal with PPH. They include all the medical procedures as well as surgical ones. In many cases, patients receive both treatments. This is with the aim of reversing the amount and levels of hemorrhage experienced by the patients. The most common medicinal component used to cure PPH is the drug Oxytocin. It is very common because unlike Misoprostol it has no side
Monday, October 7, 2019
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS - Assignment Example The descriptive statistics from the findings can be essential to decision making too. The descriptive statistics in this study is obtained by administering the Nursing Research Self-Efficacy measure pre and post the learning period. Then the raw data is collected. A paired sample statistics was performed on the data in connection with the number of correctly answered questions before and after the course was administered. In nursing students Self-Efficacy, the average score of 42 partakers increased from 7.33 to 8.452 while the variability goes up from 1.380 to 1.4177. Even in further subscales descriptive statistics show that the average score increases each time after administering the course, however, the standard deviation decreases marginally (Swenson-Britt & Reineck, 2009, p. 458-460) The descriptive analysis from the above measures of central tendency suggests that, after the learning content was provided to the nurses, there was an improved research self-efficacy of practicing nurses (Swenson-Britt & Reineck, 2009, p.461). Effectively, nurses that undergo continuous education on new health findings can be in a better position to make decisions in their career. Every professional can always relate to descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing regarding current issues in their industry. For example, as a student, I mostly use the mean, median and mode to describe the central position of my numerical or grouped data while I use variance/standard deviation to know how my data is spread out. Swenson-Britt, E., & Reineck, C. (January 01, 2009). Research education for clinical nurses: a pilot study to determine research self-efficacy in critical care nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40, 10,
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Ear Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ear Disorders - Essay Example Treatment procedures usually include typical treatment modes such as yoga to cope stress in these patients and after that they could be given intratympanic corticosteroids. The function of these corticosteroids is to reduce inflammation in the endolymphatic dust. Also surgical procedures which include decreasing the pressure in the duct in order to maintain the flow of the endolymph in the vestibular system can also be applied in severe cases. But, surgical procedures usually lead to hearing loss as a complication since both the systems are very closely associated (ODonoghue et al 2000). Excessive endolymph pressure in the endolymphatic duct and the whole inner ear leads to the compression of the nerve endings of the outer and inner hair cells. Once compressed for a longer period of time these nerve endings first generate a symptom of timmitis with alternating periods of hearing loss and then if the disease is not treated these nerve cells eventually die. Since nerve cells do not have the capacity to regenerate the damage once done is usually irrereversible (ODonoghue et al
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Thesis driven argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Thesis driven argument - Essay Example By mentioning the weight of the equipment, Oââ¬â¢Brien shows how each character had a specific role and a specific burden to carry, whether it was being in charge of carrying a radio, being responsible for a manââ¬â¢s death, or being in love with a girl back home. Throughout the story Oââ¬â¢Brien shows, from before leaving for Vietnam to unloading all of their equipment and coming home, the soldiers had a tremendously heavy physical and emotional burden to carry. The land itself and the foreign, unfamiliar terrain was a burden upon the soldiers as well. Because of being in the jungle, they ââ¬Å"carried diseases, among them malaria and dysentery. They carried lice and ringworm and leeches and paddy algae and various rots and molds.â⬠(14). This was not something that any of them were used to dealing with back at home. The difficulty of traveling through the terrain was a burden and difficulty as well: ââ¬Å"They carried the land itself--Vietnam, the place, the soil--a powdery orange-red dust that covered their boots and fatigues and facesâ⬠(15). This was a burden that everybody had to deal with. The burden of being in a position of constant danger was another burden for all of the characters. They knew that at any moment they might be attacked, and they had to be prepared for the event. Each soldier had to carry various weapons: ââ¬Å"In addition to the three standard weapons--the M-60, the M-16, and M-79...shotguns and silencers and blackjacks and bayonets and C-4 plastic explosivesâ⬠¦they all carried fragmentation grenadesâ⬠(7). Far from being a complete list of the weaponry that they carried, these weapons that they carried were constant reminders of the burden of being in such a dangerous situation to the point of needing all of those weapons. Even more than that, the burden they carried had as much to do with destructive power of the weapons that they were carrying: ââ¬Å"They carried all they could bear, and then some,
Friday, October 4, 2019
Employee voice Essay Example for Free
Employee voice Essay ââ¬ËEmployee voiceââ¬â¢ suggested by Geoff Armstrong (cited in Armstrong,2001) in the recent issue of Industrial Participation Association (IPA) Bulletin, historically meant collective bargaining, and that this ââ¬Ëchosen method of joint regulation became a straitjacket inhibiting the very things we needed to be doing to win and keep customers! ââ¬â¢ Win and keep the customers because feedbacks and suggestions came from the employee who deals with the customers every day of their work. Companies are able to get the facts from how the customer complaint about their product and to what satisfies them. The word ââ¬Ëvoiceââ¬â¢ was popularized by Freeman and Medoff (cited in Freeman Medoff, 1984) who argued that it made good sense for both company and workforce to have a ââ¬Ëvoiceââ¬â¢ mechanism. This had both a consensual and conflictual image; on the one hand, participation could lead to a beneficial impact on quality and productivity, whilst on the other it could detect problems which otherwise might ââ¬Ëexplodeââ¬â¢. Dundon et al (cited in Dundon, 2004;MC Cabe Lewin, 1992; Wilkinson et al,2004). The four principal strands of the thought or forms of ââ¬Ëvoiceââ¬â¢ that are available to employees are: an articulation of individual dissatisfaction; existence of a collective organization; a form of contribution to the management decision-making; and as a form of mutuality in the organization. In the articulation of individual dissatisfaction, the employee aims to address a specific problem or issue with the management that is usually presented in the form of grievance procedure or ââ¬Ëspeak upââ¬â¢ program. An opportunity for employee representatives ââ¬â union or non-union ââ¬â to communicate the views of the workforce to managers either through partnership or collective bargaining is the form of collective organization. As a form of contribution to the management decision-making its purpose is concerned with improvements in work organization and efficiency more generally, perhaps through quality circles or team working. It is achieve by a dialogue with employees providing ideas to improve the organizational performance. The last form is the mutuality in organization in delivering long term viability for the organization and its employees, often through joint consultation, collective bargaining and or partnership. In an article by Sharon Shinn (2004,p 18), The Maverick CEO, he asked Ricardo Semler that if business students were reading a case study of Semco what was the valuable lesson they would they take away and he answered that, ââ¬Å"the main lesson is that freedom is a prime driver for performance. â⬠Through my research I believe that all of the employeesââ¬â¢ benefits from ââ¬Ëemployee voiceââ¬â¢ just revolve around Semlersââ¬â¢ idea. When an employee has the freedom to express himself it empowers him to decide the courses of action that must be done to achieve a certain objective of the company according to his ideals in work and life in general. When one has the freedom to say what for him is wrong or right it gives him the dignity of not only a worker of the company but someone who can make a change and influence people on top for the better future of the company. A sample of the ideal is displayed in Semco where employees can vote to veto new products or new product ventures. At Semco, (cited in Samler, 2004) ââ¬Å"workers approve their own bosses and people only attend meetings if they think the meetings are important. It works because of peoplesââ¬â¢ self-interest. Nobody wants to stay in boring meetings or work for bosses they didnââ¬â¢t choose. â⬠Furthermore, ââ¬Å"of course, you can make people come to meetings and look alert, but itââ¬â¢s more difficult to get them to perform what was decided at the meeting. We want people to follow their instincts and to choose as bosses people they respect ââ¬â even if they donââ¬â¢t like them. This often happens at Semco. â⬠ââ¬ËEmployee voiceââ¬â¢ can be channeled between union and non-union voice. Comparison of benefits between union and non-union voice has been noted. (cited in Freeman and Medoff, 1984) argued that only union forms of voice would result in voice benefits for workers and management. The reasoning behind this argument is that without a union to ensure fair treatment and an equitable distribution of the fruits of success, individuals lack the incentive to pursue public goods. Union voice promotes ââ¬Ëindependenceââ¬â¢ unlike direct voice mechanismsââ¬â¢ where its effectiveness is challenged in their capacity to transform the power relations in an organization due to lack of sanctions for non-compliance, collective power and access to independent sources of advice or assistance, non-union voice mechanisms are more susceptible to managerial influence and control (cited in Golan,2009; Terry,199; Wilkinson et al, 2004). On the contrary, non-union or direct voice has been also argued to be superior to union voice for 2 reasons: first, barriers between employers and employees can be disintegrated by dealing directly with employees rather than through an intermediary (cited in Bryson, 2004; Storey, 1992); and second, direct voice allows managers to better respond to the heterogeneous interests of workers (cited in Storey,1992). Another distinct benefit of ââ¬Ëemployee voiceââ¬â¢ is evident in the ââ¬Ëmonopoly faceââ¬â¢ of unionism, whereby unions seek to restrict the supply of labor to the irm in pursuit of higher wages and benefits. In a general point of view because of the ââ¬Ëemployee voiceââ¬â¢ managers give more positive responses to employee needs, greater levels of control over the work process and increased influence over job rewards. In relation with the benefits that can be gained by employeesââ¬â¢ through ââ¬Ëemployee voiceââ¬â¢ the said firms that practices this kind of system have a lot to gain out of it. One important factor that affects the companiesââ¬â¢ profitability is its labor cost. Voice is considered important, in their classic work on US trade Unionism, (cited in Freeman and Medoff, 1984) post it that it is theoretically possible for trade unions to enhance the productivity of firms because they provide voice to workers. They argue that union voice can be productivity-enhancing where voice costs are lower than the costs of dissatisfied workers quitting, and lower quit rates encourage firms to invest in human capital, resulting in a more skilled and productive workforce. In union voice it may also reduce the transaction costs that employees face, for example, by enforcing and monitoring contracts (cited in Booth, 1995; Kaufman, 2004; Kaufman and Levine, 2000). The company of Semco is a great example of this, (cited in Shinn, 2004) Semler and a radical management team completely upended traditional business theory at Semco, doing away with conventional organizational charts while allowing employees more and more freedom to choose what products they would work and how they would produce them. Many employees were eliminated by job reconstruction or left because they couldnââ¬â¢t handle the turmoil. But those who remained became passionate about Semco and their place within it. At Semco they also believe in continuous growth and development so (cited in Samler, 2004) ââ¬Å"people at Semco, by setting their own timetables and workloads, are more apt to take time out for learning. â⬠He said that there were also sabbaticals, and a system whereby people can diminish and increase their work weeks by arrangement with their teams. They also have Retire-a-little where people can take a day, or half-day, off every week, to do what they would when they retire. Because of such changes, (cited in Semler, 2004) noted that it have raised Semcoââ¬â¢s revenue from a $35 million to $160 million in the last six years. In addition, (cited in Shinn, 2004) Semler is deeply involved in promoting a workplace where freedom and flexibility is celebrated that he established a school in Sao Paolo practicing his values. (cited in Samler ,2004) ââ¬Å"the school is in place and has started enrolling two-to-ten year olds. We want to change things at the starting point. At this school, our kids determine the rules and makes decisions ever week at a school meeting. We donââ¬â¢t want to holler and point fingers at kids. They are perfectly able to settle disputes and regulations alone. We do sit in to facilitate, when they want. â⬠Furthermore, ââ¬Å"at the Lumlar Institute, which runs the school, we develop a mosaic technology to teach free children effectively, something that the educational world knows nothing about. Since our kids are obliged to be in school but not in class, it behooves us to interest them ââ¬â and we do. Children are already staying 1. 84 times longer at our school, out of free will, than at other schools in the system. After defining that there were two system of ââ¬Ëemployee voiceââ¬â¢ which are non-union (direct) and union, in addition reviewing the benefits of implementing ââ¬Ëemployee voiceââ¬â¢ to both the employees and company, Australia seems to place more importance to non-union voice that than union voice. Result from the studies of researchers proves that, for example, AWIRS (the Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey) shows that only 16% of work places were there employee representatives on boards in 1995. (cited in Morehead et al, 1997; 506-67). Moreover non-union of employee representation was not institutionalized as they are in EU (European Union). With the Decline of Union membership, with 22% of employees now being unionized (and only 17 percent in the private sector), there is a growing ââ¬Ërepresentation on gapââ¬â¢ for employeesââ¬â¢ with some academic experts arguing that works councils could fill that gap. (Knudsen Markey, 2002). However, there seems little political will to progress this issue at the moment, with major interest focused on the recent Work Choices Legislation, rather than a broader discussion of work place governance. Thus, it appears that for the most part, participation in Australia will remain a matter for the firm rather that a broader social issue and its extent will be largely governed by management strategy and enthusiasm for the various direct participative approaches. Pyman et al (2006) In practical sense, the effectiveness of employee voice in Australia workplaces is dependent on a plurality of arrangements, that is multiple, mutually reinforcing channels. While achieving this is likely to present challenge for employers, employees and unions, the findings to do highlight the significance of labor- management interaction and thus the value of a union-employer partnership approach predicated on mutual benefits. Such an approach is seriously threatened by the recent changes embodied in the Work Choices Act 2005. This legislation unequivocally privileges direct or non-union representative voice mechanisms, while undermining union voice and multi-channel voice arrangements.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Blade Runner And Fifth Element Cityscapes Film Studies Essay
Blade Runner And Fifth Element Cityscapes Film Studies Essay Blade runner greets the viewer with a fascinating opening scene where the camera hovers over a vast industrial mega polis called Hades. The year is 2020 and overpopulated Hades is trying to reinforce itself. The place is filled with corroded skyscrapers which shoot flame and gases into the environment creating a sense of hazy and polluted atmosphere. Also, in this shot and in subsequent shots flying cars, called spinners, are seen moving around the cityscape. The entire Hades cityscape was a forced perspective miniature set with larger miniature elements in the foreground which get smaller and smaller as we approach the horizon. Special photographic effects supervisor Douglas Trumbull and his crew constructed the whole set on a plywood table which was about 20 feet wide at the back and 5 feet wide in the front. The actual horizon on the screen is just 15 feet away from the camera. They designed the table according the focal length of the camera, which provided them the base in accordance to field of view of the camera. This sort of careful planning enabled them to build the miniatures just inside the field of view without wasting valuable production time and money. Chief model maker Mark Stetson relied primarily on etched brass cutouts as elements to create buildings in the shot. But because these cutouts were two-dimensional, they had to stack a number of them together and stagger them across randomly to create depth in the whole shot. states that by using this technique Trumbull was soon posed with a problem: But as we got into putting the thing together, we realized quickly that the etched metal stuff would have given away the trick if wed use it too close to the foreground. They overcame this by building foam cast models and put them in the foreground. Those models were highly detailed and separately mounted using C-Stands. They were positioned carefully so that the camera could fly right in between creating depth. Another hurdle was creating the atmospherics in the cityscape. Director Ridley Scott wanted smoke and haze in the distant background to add to the drama of the whole scene. Douglas Trumbull created this effect using studio fans and smoke detectors. He first contained the set using black cloth all around it and set up the smoke detectors to trigger the fans. So when they fed smoke into the contained set, fans powered up and pushed the smoke around creating a natural progression of smoke in the environment. Describing his perception of the Hades cityscape, Mark Stetson states: I just had this scheme, I just wanted to do it as a series of silhouette and smoke. I wanted the smoke to really be the light and the light to light it up. Everything about that miniature had to be lights. The way light was used in this shot to create volumetric effects and reflections played a major role making it look real and credible. About 20,000 fiber optic cables (about 7 miles long) were used to light the Hades cityscape. The light cables were threaded up from beneath the plexi glass, on which the brass etched cutouts were mounted. They also mixed and experimented with a lot of interactive lights like axial, blinking, etc which created variety and helped improve the overall aesthetics of the shot. The flying cars (spinners) were a central impression throughout Blade Runner. Model maker Gene Winfield made four scale versions of the spinners, ranging from an inch to a gigantic forty-four inch long model, for different shots. Each model had its own light rig which could be tweaked to match the lighting of the shot. In order to integrate the cars into the shot, they had to shoot them as separate elements in four different passes and later on put them in using optical methods. Flying car model moves were created by Baker and McHugh using a Universal Hartland motion control unit. It is a hybrid method where they program simple motions like track and tilt and later on manually chart other controls such as pan, pitch, roll, etc. This enabled them to have a greater control over the placement and path of the move. For every spinner movement a corresponding matte was created to help composite it onto the environment. They created the mattes using front lit technique where the spinners were photographed as white shapes on a black background instead of vice versa. They shifted to the alternate in order to avoid the streaks caused by the motion control rig while shooting the mattes. discusses about the insertion of the spinners against the Hades cityscape: One of the most challenging aspects of the optical involvement was the insertion of spinners and other miniature elements into appropriately smoke-laden background plates-without having them come out looking like cutouts After great deal of testing and experimentation special photographic effects supervisor David Dryer got around this issue by generating a balance between the holdout and cover mattes. They are then lined up separately using the EEG system and fit onto the spinners onto the backplanes. In an establishing shot of New York cityscape in Fifth Element, female lead Milla Jovovich who was reconstructed from an alien DNA escapes from the lab and exits onto a narrow window ledge hundreds of floors above the ground. In consecutive shot, New York City in the year 2259 is portrayed as a towering urbanscape with huge buildings and heavy flying traffic. The lanes are parallel as if they were on a grid with old mid-fifties architecture all along and they extended until the horizon. states that Director Luc Besson vision was to show the 23rd century New York City in full detail and broad daylight unlike Blade Runner which is more dark. To produce this effect Special visual effects supervisor Mark Stetson used model photographs in conjunction with 2-D Matte paintings. Explaining about why they opted to not use computer generated imagery for the cityscape states that Mark Stetson states : We could have done it entirely in the computer but as large as Digital Domain is, with its several terabytes of disk space and hundreds of CPUs, there was still a practical limit. A totally CG New York would have been prohibitive in terms of time, storage space and processing power. For that reason, we chose to construct a big set of models. Stetson now made use of the advancement in technology which was missing back then when he was working on Blade Runner. He used computer pre-visualization and prepared models in different levels of details based on the camera lens, motion path, proximity of the miniature to the camera, etc. For the cityscape shot, about twenty-five buildings 25 feet high and above were built. Several CAD and town planning artists were invited to make plans for the layout of the city and the miniatures were placed accordingly. This helped them make the illusion of the vast mega polis more real and believable. To create a more natural look of sunlight hitting the vast cityscape, Supervising director of photography , Bill Neil developed a new technique called Fractured Sunlight which is a hybrid of direct and indirect illumination. They used a strong light source from one direction to mimic the sunlight which caused a lot of shadows on the other side. To minimize the effect, they had to use reflectors and spotlights to create an illusion of light bouncing back on the darker areas on the buildings. In order to add depth in the shot, they separated the cityscape into different parts with their respective mattes and then added atmospheric effects and made changes to the overall lighting. Also, they relied heavily on 2-D matte paintings to mix and create the effect of endless row of buildings which ultimately imposed depth in the shot. Flying cars were the crucial element in cityscape shot which left viewers in awe. Stetson initially planned to use miniatures for the effect. But due to development of technology, an effective CG pipeline was generated which allowed them to move to computer generated imagery. They first created primitive models of cars and rough patterns of the traffic flow to pre-visualize the shot. In order to distinguish between the traffic at various levels of the city, Digital effects supervisor Karen E. Goulekas created a weave pattern where traffic would travel in different directions at different levels. In order to create variation among the pattern of traffic flow, they keyed the cars to move at different speeds and stop at random points. Also variation of color and nature of the cars was accomplished by using special Renderman shaders. These programmed shaders allowed the artists to quickly tweak and create new variations of models easily. Once the traffic flow and detailing of the vehicles is completed, they would then run a script which replaced all the dummy models with fully detailed ones which they would then send for final rendering. Compositing supervisors Jonathan Egstad and Bryan Grill then carefully planned the allocation of resources which finally enabled them to generate the effects work in time. They used compositing packages (mainly Nuke, Flame, etc) to put together all the elements. Finally, color corrections and grading was done to complete generating the final imagery for the shot.
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